About Us

We built Popset because we were frustrated with how overwhelming it is to sift through endless reviews while shopping.

When we search for something to buy, we want to know it’s the best it can be for what we want to do. Today that means poring over random blogs you’ve never heard of, searching your social media feed, or tediously scrolling through inconsistent customer reviews. There hasn’t been an easy way to find recommendations, reviews, and how-to’s from the people you already trust. 

Popset is a one-stop-shop to find the products your favorite people love and use.

So, whether you’re looking for the safest toys for toddlers or a DIY guide to the best tools for building a garden shed, our goal is to make shopping online easier and more dependable for everyone.

Our Business Model

We believe creators should be compensated for sharing their experience and knowledge. Popset works with a wide variety of stores to offer our creators the ability to earn commissions on the products they recommend.

When you click on a product, we may receive compensation from the retailer; compensation that is then passed on to the creator in the form of a commission. If you don’t make a purchase or if you return your item, no commission is earned.

By sharing the commission with creators, Popset is able to provide a free service without ever selling your data.

For more information, check out our Terms and Conditions.

Our Mission

By building a reputation on honesty and integrity, Popset aims to always help audiences find what they’re looking for while generating the highest possible commissions for our creators.

We also believe in treating everyone involved in bringing Popset to life, including creators, audiences, suppliers, and our staff, with the respect and kindness they deserve. As such, our core values are rooted in following a "Fair Play" policy:

Community First

We put our customers first in every decision we make.


We aspire to act ethically and honestly in all business decisions.


We fight for the best possible commissions for our creators.


Your data is not our business. We will never track you outside of a purchase. To learn more, check out our Privacy Page.

The best partnerships are built on trust, and we commit to being upfront and earning yours.